Do you want to get featured in the media so you can become a recognized authority in your industry, attract more clients, and earn more money?
Of course you do, right?
Even though you’re great at what you do and completely dedicated to serving your clients, you still face competitors who are less capable and don’t care about their clients as much as you do, and they’re gobbling up business in your market simply because they’re better at promoting themselves.
Now I know you might be thinking, “I’d love to get featured in the media, but I’m not the kind of person who runs around telling everyone ‘I’m awesome,’ so people won’t be interested in hearing what I have to say.”
It sure seems that way, right? And that doesn’t seem fair. Those loud, obnoxious, self-promoters seem to get all the attention and opportunities.
Meanwhile, people like you work quietly behind the scenes, bringing massive value to your clients but not getting anywhere near the level of recognition or opportunities the self-promoters do. The worst part is most of those self-promoters probably aren’t even half as qualified as you are.
And that’s hurting you because it’s limiting both your revenue and your opportunities. That adds up over time. It’s like compounding in reverse. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
You can get featured in the media and earn all of the benefits that come with that—without becoming one of those loud, obnoxious, self-promoting douches we all secretly (or not so secretly) despise. I know the impact it can have for you is huge, both because I’ve experienced it myself, and because I’ve seen it with our clients.
Imagine how that could change your business.
- The new opportunities and revenue it could create.
- The increased impact you could have in the world.
- The legacy you could leave for generations to come.
“Experts say…”
You already know that people trust experts—that small handful of recognized authorities in an industry.
You probably also know that these people are frequently cited by the media, close deals faster and more easily, and are able to charge more than their competitors.
But what you might not know is you can earn that authority status too, along with all of the benefits it brings. The key to earning authority status is combining your expertise with the exposure and trust created by positive media coverage.
You’re already an expert. Now you just need the media coverage. And we can help you earn the positive media coverage that leads to authority status—because this is exactly what we do for people like you every single day!
In this program, I’m teaching you exactly how to get featured in the media using the same strategies and tactics we use every day in my agency to get our clients featured in trade publications, local news, and even tier one media outlets like Entrepreneur, Fox Business, and US News, and then exactly how to use that publicity in your marketing
How my crisis turned into your opportunity…
Before we talk about exactly what you’ll be able to do when you join this program, I want to share a quick story about me and how I got where I am today.
A few years ago, I was devastated by a health crisis that almost killed me.
I spent two years on my deathbed while my business dwindled to zero and I burned through hundreds of thousands of dollars just trying to stay alive.
In the meantime, since I wasn’t doing any new work for clients, I had no current references or case studies. In the marketing world, that made me a zero. I might as well have been some random guy on Fiverr.
I was broke, still sick, had racked up tons of debt, and to top it all off, I was now starting over.
So I had to rebuild my authority—and fast.
How did I do it?
I leveraged public relations, along with a bit of social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization, to put myself back on the map.
At the time, I didn’t have a plan. I knew what my end goal was, but I had to figure out how to get there on the fly. I would be lying if I said that wasn’t scary, stressful, and difficult.
That was one of the most intense times of my life. And that’s saying a lot considering what I’ve been through as both an entrepreneur and US Marine Corps veteran.
I made some mistakes along the way because I was in uncharted territory.
But we had a saying in the Marine Corps…Adapt, improvise, and overcome. And that’s exactly what I did!
My process improved with each step, and I documented every bit of it because a documented process is the key to repeatable success.
I started off writing on my own blog and social media, but before long, I was being featured in industry publications, podcasts, tier-one publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Inc, and even television news!
It was crazy how fast it all happened. It was even crazier how much being featured in the media helped my business grow.
In my first year back in business, I was able to serve even more clients than before and I blew past my previous revenue record. It was a win on all fronts and that success snowballed into even more success. And it just keeps growing!
When I realized I had stumbled onto a virtual goldmine, I started offering this as a service to others.
And while it was a powerful, yet reasonably-priced service that helped our clients earn more of the business they deserve, it was still out of reach for many entrepreneurs.
Since I know the impact that being featured in the media can create for entrepreneurs—both from my own experience and from my clients, I wanted to give more people like you the opportunity to leverage this powerful strategy.
So I turned my entire process into a guided program.
What will you be able to do after going through this program?
My program walks you through our entire process and provides all of the support, training, and tools that you’ll need to:
- Get featured in the media so you can become a recognized authority in your industry, attract more clients, and earn more money.
- Craft a powerful and engaging story that makes the media want to feature you, which will snowball into even more media coverage.
- Make your online reputation bulletproof for when the haters and trolls come for you, as they always do when you become a recognized authority.
- Leverage your media coverage in your marketing to get an even bigger impact and earn more business from it.
- Use your authority status to grow your business and have a greater impact in the world and leave a powerful legacy.
Program modules
Demonstrate your expertise
How to build a LinkedIn profile that positions you as an authority
How to come up with topics for your content that people are already interested in and looking for
How to create content that clearly demonstrates your expertise
How to get people to engage with your content to help build your authority status
Where to publish your content to position yourself as an authority in your industry
How to control the search results to position yourself as an authority when someone searches for your name
Create exposure & engagement
How to leverage peoples’ emotions to increase your exposure & engagement
How to leverage social media algorithms to reach more people
Which one social media platform you absolutely need to use consistently to build relationships with journalists
How to develop an alliance of industry peers and influencers to reach more people and boost your authority
How to build a social media strategy to increase your exposure by 200% or more
How to leverage paid ads get journalists excited to feature you and share your expertise with their audience
Get featured in the media
How to build a tribe of engaged fans to create more social proof of your authority status
How to craft a Core Positioning Statement that clearly positions you as uniquely qualified
How to build a list of relevant, authoritative media outlets to get featured in
How to build a powerful list of relevant media contacts who will be excited to feature you
How to find the correct contact info for literally any journalist
How to leverage your network get a warm introduction to literally any journalist you’d ever want to know
How to nurture relationships with journalists so they’ll recognize you and open your pitches
How to write a powerful pitch that will stand out and make journalists excited to feature you and share your expertise with their audience
How to follow up with journalists properly so you don’t destroy the relationship and make them delete all your future emails
How to build a powerful press page for your website that positions you as an authority in your industry
How to turn the publicity you’ve earned into tons of new content for social media
9 common PR mistakes you absolutely have to avoid if you want your public relations efforts to be successful
Bonus modules
How to rock a TV interview like a seasoned pro
9 phrases you need to avoid like the plague during an interview
How to earn a Google Knowledge panel
3 things you need to do on podcast interviews that make other podcasters want to interview you
How to create tons of content from each piece of publicity
17 PR tools to get bigger results, more quickly, easily, and efficiently
How to get people to ask you to speak on stage at their events
But this is not for everyone…
Before we get ahead of ourselves…I need to tell you that this program is not for everyone. Here’s why…
Reason #1
The media relationships I’ve spent years developing and nurturing are important to me. Both from a business and a personal standpoint. And I will not do anything that jeopardizes those relationships.
So I have to know that the people I allow into my program are true experts in their field. This is critical because when the media features someone who later turns out not to be what they represented themselves as, the people responsible for running that story are often hurt.
Their reputation is damaged, they may be reassigned or passed over for promotion, or they could even be fired. And since I genuinely care about these people, I will do everything in my power to protect them.
Reason #2
I need to know that you’re going to follow through. This program isn’t just about the money for me. I think I’ve made that pretty clear. But it goes deeper than you probably realize.
You see, I want to help elevate the true experts so they can help more people, which brings more value to the world as a whole, and that makes everything better for everyone.
I also want to drown out the fake experts. You know exactly the kind of people I’m talking about—the clowns who pay for fake publicity, buy a bunch of fake followers, and claim achievements and revenue they have never really earned.
In order for that to happen, you have to follow through on this program. When you do, you will get featured in the media and earn all of the benefits that come with that. In doing so, you’ll also drown out the fake experts. In other words—you’ll be helping to make the world a better place.
Do you qualify?
Because of the two reasons I shared, there is a vetting process before you can join our program.
Don’t worry—you don’t need an online presence to qualify. And we’re not going to ask you to swear an allegiance, provide a DNA sample, or anything crazy like that.
But we will interview you and talk to a few references to make sure you’re a fit before accepting you into the program.
So if you’re ready to get featured in the media, become a recognized authority in your industry, attract more clients, and earn more money—and you’re an expert at what you do, fill out the application below to see if you qualify.