Stock photos can either be a blessing or a curse. Choose the right ones and you can look like a rock star while avoiding an expensive photo shoot, but choose the wrong ones and you risk looking unprofessional, cheesy, or silly. Before you rush out to buy the cheapest photos you can find, take some […]
Public Relations & Marketing Blog
What Ronda Rousey’s UFC 190 Win Can Teach You About Business
Even if you’re not a fan of the UFC, you’ve probably seen your Facebook feed blowing up with stories about Ronda Rousey this weekend. In case you didn’t see it, after a bunch of trash talk from her opponent Bethe Correia leading up to fight, Rousey delivered a resounding knock out in just 34 seconds. Aside from a brief but […]
Why It’s Time to Break up with Google
We all had a good run. We really did. When Google first stepped on to the scene, it was like a breath of fresh air. Especially with their catchy little “don’t be evil” motto. If only we had known it was a lie. It was so simple back then. You design a website, code it […]
The Care and Feeding of Web Designers
If you’ve ever worked with a web designer, you probably have a pretty strong opinion about the experience. Maybe everything that could go wrong did. Perhaps they didn’t seem to pay attention to your brand and designed a website that wasn’t a fit for your audience. Maybe they made a bunch of mistakes that had to […]
What the Confederate Flag Drama Can Teach You About Marketing
Unless you’ve just emerged from a week-long sabbatical in the woods with no internet access, you’ve heard about the recent controversy surrounding the Confederate flag. In case you haven’t, I’ll get you up to speed: Kid takes pictures with a Confederate flag. Kid commits a heinous crime. Some people are outraged that said flag is allowed […]