All Marketing Boils Down to Just Two Components 

All Marketing Boils Down to Just Two Components 

Some marketers pretend that marketing is some kind of secret sauce, but at its core, all marketing boils down to just two components:

  1. Getting in front of people who have a need for your product or service,
  2. and convincing them that it’s value outweighs the cost.

That’s it. Nothing more.

Don’t get me wrong—there are a variety of ways to execute these components, depending on what you’re selling and who you’re selling it to, but the indisputable fact remains that all marketing boils down to getting in front of the right people and convincing them of the value of what you’re offering.

Some marketers try to make it appear impossible for anyone except those anointed with a marketing-related job title, and many business owners believe them. This is especially common in the search engine optimization industry, where shady marketers tout their “proprietary” techniques, or even a “special relationship” with Google.

I’m going to share a dirty little secret. That’s all a lie.

You should avoid any marketers who approach you with that kind of bullshit.

The key is to select an agency that is honest and transparent—one that doesn’t try to dazzle you with bullshit. If they can’t explain how their tactics will get your products or services in front of the right people and convince them that the value outweighs the cost, move on to an agency that can.